Senin, 14 April 2014


For example, you perform measurement activities long table with a pencil. In the event you compare the length of the table means the length of a pencil. The length of the pencil you use is as a unit. Something that can be measured and can be expressed with numbers called scale, whereas the comparison in a measurement called unit. Units used to perform measurements with the same results for everyone or fixed-called standard unit, while the unit is used to perform measurements with the same results for different people called non-standard units.

Understanding Physics Magnitude, Magnitude Cost, and Amount of Derivatives 

Inside our everyday conversation is the weight is the mass, whereas in the physics sense of weight and mass are different. Weight loss can be determined by using a weight scales. For example, after your weight weighed 50 kg or 50 kg mass in physics. Height or length and mass is something that we can measure and we can state with numbers and units. The length and mass of a physical quantity. Thus, the physical size of the physical quantities of an object is expressed in quantity. 
In addition there are also physical quantities quantities are not physical quantities, such as feeling sad, happy, and tired. Because feelings can not be measured and can not be expressed with numbers and units, then the feeling is not physical quantities.
Physical quantities are grouped into two, namely the principal amount and the amount of principal is the amount turunan.Besaran predefined in advance. Meanwhile, the amount of derivatives is a quantity that is derived from the basic quantities. 

System unit of physical quantities, in principle, be standard or standards, which are fixed, universal, and easy to use at any time by right. System standard units set in 1960 by scientists meeting in Sèvres, Paris. System of units used in education and knowledge is called the metric system, the metric system are grouped into large or MKS (Meter Kilogram Second) called the international system or abbreviated SI and metric systems of small or CGS (Centimeter Gram Second). 

Principal amount and the magnitude of the derivative along the unit can be seen in the following table.

In addition to the seven principal amount above, there are two additional principal amount, which is the corner of a flat field with units of radians (rad) and the corner of the room with the unit steradian (sr). 

Several tables and their derivatives Magnitude Its units

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